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Parish Moves Toward Upgrades

Dear Parishioners,

As you’ll recall, in May 2018, we did a “Re-Survey” of the parish community to see how folks felt about our various buildings and how to proceed.  Eight informational presentations were given in the month prior to the re-survey.  And the survey was mailed to every household (1,100).  459 individuals completed the survey (which accounts for 75% of our average weekend Mass attendance).

Of those 459 surveys, 62% supported upgrades to our existing churches, while 32% supported building a new church campus.  Additionally, 63% of respondents did not support upgrades to the existing parish center.  Further, 69% of respondents supported upgrades to the existing St. Clare School building.  With respect to the question of whether or not to build a new parish center, the respondents were more split (53% said no, 44% said yes).

With the completion of the re-survey, we turned our sights toward upgrading the existing churches and school.  A Deferred Maintenance and Improvement (DMI) Plan was drawn up in response to the re-survey.  And it was our intention to begin a formal capital campaign in September 2018 to fund the DMI Plan.  However, with the unveiling of the diocesan One-by-One campaign in the Summer of 2018, our intention of having our own campaign was necessarily paused.

Through the One-by-One Campaign, St. Clare Parishioners have already donated or pledged $120,000 toward the implementation of the DMI Plan.  These funds will become available over the next three years (as pledges are paid).  And we thank those who helped with the One-by-One Campaign.  However, to fulfill the wishes of parishioners (to upgrade the existing churches and school), the parish will need an additional $1,045,548 over the next five to six years (about $210,000 per year).  This is in addition to our regular sacrificial giving.

Rather than go the route of another campaign to fund the DMI Plan, we will institute an ongoing second collection at all weekend Masses for the next five or six years (until the DMI is completed).  It will be called “the buildings and grounds collection.” 

Our churches are sacred places, and our school is vital in the formation of a new generation of Christian disciples who need to impact our world.  Based on the re-survey of 2018, you already know this.  I encourage you to plan on supporting this ongoing collection—over and above your regular sacrificial giving.  This is the opportunity for the parish to support its own decision to upgrade our existing buildings.  May God help us to make it successful!

                                                                                                                        In Christ,  
                                                                                                                                    Fr. Brian